Getting stuff ready for some travels

We have our first flight with Heidi tomorrow, I’ve packed her stuff, Dan has packed his stuff and I have not yet packed my stuff because I hate packing! Dan’s aunt sent through lots of toys for Heidi which is brilliant timing and I am going to add them to the bits I have for her that she hasn’t seen before so hopefully the flight will be a piece of cake 😁 

We have a fold down mama’s and papa’s buggy which we will take out to Portugal and I have a sheepskin insert which is supposed to keep them cool in the hot and warm in the winter so we will see how that goes, it looks really comfortable anyway. Heidi will sleep in the cot at the hotel and may well end up in our bed a bit if she is a bit unsettled which is fine with us. I popped to TK Max to get some shorts tonight which was a huge fail given they had no shorts but I had to deal with a pampers fail when I arrived AGAIN, the nappy is the right size but I’m thinking perhaps I should try reusable for the car as apparently they don’t leak 🤷‍♀️ 

Let’s do this, tonight I’ll finish packing….. will need wine for that, and we will see how we get on tomorrow, there will likely be an incoming of a few blogs so sorry to my 3 readers I hope this doesn’t bore you! 

My posts may be a tad BF heavy just because that’s how we roll but for balance when we are back I will ask a friend for tips on travelling with a baby who is bottle fed and we can post them here for any bottle feeding mums. 


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